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Sunday, September 9, 2018

How to Trap House Sparrows in a Nest Box

Learn to catch house sparrows in nest boxes using a VanErt sparrow nest box trap when house sparrows are seeking out nesting sites. The house sparrow, also known as the English sparrow, is an invasive introduced species in North America & elsewhere. It is an extremely aggressive bird that outcompetes native cavity nesting birds and will destroy their eggs, young and even adults in order to use a nesting cavity. If nesting they will destroy nests of other birds in the vicinity that they see as competition. They are not a protected species in North America and can be legally trapped and eliminated. To trap them you need a nest box or bird house, a VanErt trap, and a mesh laundry bag. The box can be mounted on a 5 foot or 10 foot telescoping pole made from EMT conduit. The nest box is the same size as used by bluebirds and tree swallows. Both are species that house sparrows compete directly with. Some suggestions for trapping I suggest you put up more than 1 nest box that house sparrows can enter. I have 5 in my yard. Some of the boxes can be used by native birds for nesting while others will attract house sparrows. When house sparrows adopt a nest box, they can be trapped and eliminated. Mount in the open or next to buildings as those places are preferred by house sparrows. Check your traps every hour as you could catch a native bird. If you trap a native bird remove it from the trap and release it immediately. I aim the box toward my house so I can look out to see if trap is sprung. An alternative to euthanizing the house sparrow is to use it as a decoy in a repeating sparrow trap

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